Event on Latest Schemes By Speech Regulators to Stiffle Dissent

The Heritage Foundation is sponsoring an event Friday about the latest schemes by speech regulators and their pals in power to regulate free speech.  Cleta Mitchell, Hans von Spakovsky, Eliana Johnson are part of the panel.  The public is invited and the event can be watched online.

“With April 15 rapidly approaching, the federal agency that Americans ubiquitously dislike and fear – the Internal Revenue Service – is once again targeting nonprofit advocacy organizations in what may be an effort to censor political speech.  Instead of trying to correct its internal bias and problems, the IRS is apparently trying to double down and stifle the political activity of opponents of the Obama administration and its policies. This effort is supported by some politicians such as Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY), who wants the IRS to “redouble” its efforts to squelch conservative groups.”  Link.