“Federal Court Rejects Green Party Attack on Voter ID”

 Link to PJ Media story.

“Judge Greer echoes what sensible Americans already understand: its no big deal for a state to require you to prove you are who you say you are when you go to vote.

This isn’t a racist plot by southern white male legislators or the Ku Klux Klan version 2.014. It’s common sense.

Judge Greer’s opinion upholding Tennessee’s voter ID law was all about common sense.

No plaintiff has ever successfully challenged a voter ID law in federal court. All of the cases have been characterized by the same comic flaw: the person who can’t obtain a photo ID cannot be found.  The elusive snow leopard is easier to find than someone who can’t get a photo ID.

The recurring void was no different in the Tennessee case. From Judge Greer’s opinion:

“Defendants argue that plaintiff’s complaint does not identify a single injured person [or] allege that one injured person is a member of the Green Party.”

The case is a warning to the plaintiffs challenging Texas and North Carolina Voter ID. Bluster, sound bites and talking points only go so far. The country isn’t under the boot of structural racism perpetrated by conniving Republicans in North Carolina and Texas (and Democrats in Rhode Island).”