“Can the GOP overcome the Democrats’ magic election bullet?”

Interview at World:

. . . Let me ask a non-political question. Do you find all this amassing of data by political parties to be a bit creepy? I think many Americans would just as soon not be in anyone’s database.

Well, then those Americans need to find a time machine, because this is inevitable. What I find to be more creepy, and, frankly, a lot of your listeners will understand the dynamics of this—we are increasing and speeding up the process of making stark divisions between worldviews in America. … Catalist is … this internet tool, this technological tool that pushes people apart into divided camps. These groups have developed a tool to totally isolate themselves politically and aggressively from people on the other side of the aisle. I think that’s the more frightening phenomenon. We’re entering an age where the contrast between one half and the other is growing so stark and unbridgeable. This is a tool that divides America. It is not a tool that creates any sort of unity.. . .