“DOJ’s Tracy Schmaler and Three Characteristics of Political Thugs”

PJ Media Rule of Law:

Some time has passed since Matt Boyle broke the story today about the close coordination between Tracy Schmaler, head of the Office of Public Affairs and Media Matters. Megyn Kelly’s Fox report notes that Schmaler writes “great piece” after attacking former Justice Department Voting Section Chief Christopher Coates. Coates is one of the most decent and courteous lawyers I have ever met. An attack on him by the head of OPA while he was still employed at DOJ is a disgrace. . . .

Third, while political thugs often have an unintentional comic streak, their behavior is deadly serious and destructive. Consider that Schmaler has taken the lead in defending the murderous Fast and Furious program at DOJ. She literally found herself in the disgraceful role of spinning away culpability for a government policy that killed people.

How convenient for a hip, young resident of the Beltway living in comfort. While real people were dying real deaths, she enjoyed a fat salary for hiding the government behavior that caused it. She lied to the media about Fast and Furious and screamed at those she didn’t lie to.

Most of us wonder how someone like that sleeps at night. But history is full of people, both petty and dangerous, who can sleep at night no matter what they do during the day.”

“DOJ’s Tracy Schmaler and Three Characteristics of Political Thugs”

PJ Media Rule of Law:

Some time has passed since Matt Boyle broke the story today about the close coordination between Tracy Schmaler, head of the Office of Public Affairs and Media Matters. Megyn Kelly’s Fox report notes that Schmaler writes “great piece” after attacking former Justice Department Voting Section Chief Christopher Coates. Coates is one of the most decent and courteous lawyers I have ever met. An attack on him by the head of OPA while he was still employed at DOJ is a disgrace. . . .

Third, while political thugs often have an unintentional comic streak, their behavior is deadly serious and destructive. Consider that Schmaler has taken the lead in defending the murderous Fast and Furious program at DOJ. She literally found herself in the disgraceful role of spinning away culpability for a government policy that killed people.

How convenient for a hip, young resident of the Beltway living in comfort. While real people were dying real deaths, she enjoyed a fat salary for hiding the government behavior that caused it. She lied to the media about Fast and Furious and screamed at those she didn’t lie to.

Most of us wonder how someone like that sleeps at night. But history is full of people, both petty and dangerous, who can sleep at night no matter what they do during the day.”