Holder’s Legacy: Racialism and Radicalism

The Washington Times series on Eric Holder today also includes my contribution with a nice graphic the Times artists prepared.  “Race Was Always the Core of His Agenda“.

washington times department  of justice logo“Mr. Holder’s opposition to election integrity demonstrates the confluence of race and politics. He conjured all of the morally sacred language of the civil rights movement in the 1960s and employed it recklessly against voter ID.

He compared voter ID to a poll tax, even though courts had specifically rejected such a false comparison.

Just before Christmas in 2011, black voters were unexcited about Mr. Obama. So Mr. Holder launched a government-driven campaign against voter ID in South Carolina and activated a moribund political base for the president’s re-election. Without a racially polarized and activated base, Mr. Obama could not have won in 2012.

Mr. Holder was an attorney general not beyond using scare tactics against minorities to win re-election.

His scare tactics and bullying showed up again in places like Sanford, Florida, and Ferguson, Missouri. . . .”