Hype: MS Voter ID Fears for Nothing

The facts of this week’s Mississippi election sure makes some of the hype from voter ID opponents look very very silly.  Sid Salter has more

Despite the predictions of post-apocalyptic turmoil from opponents of adopting a voter identification law in Mississippi, the debut of voter ID in Mississippi in practical application was a non-event. Voters didn’t recoil from the process as predicted, and there is no discernible evidence that voter ID had any impact on voter turnout.

The fact of the matter is that voters didn’t react any more or less to being asked for an ID in the voting precincts than they do in airports, financial institutions or other venues in which photo IDs are required.

Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann, who orchestrated the orderly, well-planned implementation of Mississippi’s voter identification law, gave a succinct but factual account of why the much-ballyhooed reality of voter ID was much easier implemented than political alarmists had predicted.