“Illegal Political Activity at the FEC”

“According to this document from a 2000 FEC case, Sands actually worked for Lois Lerner when Lerner was the associate general counsel of the FEC. Quite a “coincidence” that an FEC lawyer who was illegally using government facilities to try to get Barack Obama reelected used to work for the lawyer who headed the IRS office that apparently tried to stomp on conservative organizations critical of the same president’s policies.. . .

Given Sands’s position as one of the lawyers in the Office of General Counsel responsible for investigating and making recommendations to the commissioners about possible violations of the law by candidates and political committees, the FEC has no choice but to pull the files on all the cases she was involved in and conduct an independent review of her actions in those files. The agency has an obligation to ensure that her partisan propensities did not bias or influence any of those investigations.”

National Review.