Liberals and Media Attempt to Smear Exonerated Governor Scott Walker

Jonathon Tobin @ Commentary talks about the ongoing smear campaign against Scott Walker with his piece entitled Liberals are Afraid of Scott Walker.  This is a coordinated media hit job. Federal and state judges have found Governor Walker did nothing wrong and told political prosecutors is Wisconsin to cease and desist from even “investigating” what is constitutional activity. Now, that is the story. However, the media shows its bias by simply reporting old allegations without reporting on the judicial review that characterized the investigation as a politicized fishing expedition.  First, the liberals attacked Governor Walker for “racism” in supporting voter ID – *gasp*.  Then came the “coordinated” attacks by the media on alleged “coordination” activities. Why?  Because the Governor of Wisconsin leads in the polls, remains a legitimate Presidential contender and that is unacceptable.
But the liberal campaign to discredit Walker isn’t limited to TNR’s inflammatory trash. As the New York Times reported this afternoon, there was an attempt by some Wisconsin prosecutors to tie Walker’s recall campaign to illegal contributions. But you have to click on the piece that was trumpeted on the paper’s home page to learn that the case was unproven and, in fact, dismissed by a federal judge and that the story is based on a federal suit that sought to reveal the unsubstantiated allegations in the records of this cold case. In fact, you have to read down to the end of the sixth paragraph of the piece to read, in a quote from Walker’s camp, that “two judges have rejected the characterizations [of the Walker campaign’s alleged illegal activity] contained in these documents.” The Times only mentions the pertinent fact that a federal judge halted the investigation as a politicized fishing expedition in the last sentence of the article.

In other words, there may be as little to this “scandal” as there was to previous efforts to nail Walker via Wisconsin’s draconian campaign finance laws or hit pieces like that published in TNR. All of which must cause political observers to wonder why it is that liberals are expending so much effort to knock off Walker. Could it be that they sense he is exactly the sort of candidate that could give Democrats a run for their money in 2016?

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