My Washington Examiner Piece: “Six Myths and Facts on Voter Fraud”

My Sunday editorial at the Washington Examiner is here:

“… 5. Myth: Mail-Voting is Fraud Free.

If you wanted to invite fraud, you’d do what Colorado has done: Go to an all vote-by-mail election.

Every single registered voter will be mailed a ballot, including those who haven’t voted in years. Colorado reclassified all inactive voters as active voters for the election. People who should have been removed from the rolls under federal law will now have a ballot mailed to an address where they no longer live. Harvesters will go door to door hoping to collect ballots. Some might be cast under coercion. Some will be cast by someone else.

And the Postal Service — the people who regularly bring you your neighbor’s mail — will now be handling the outcome.

Vote-by-mail is part of Democrats’ plan to keep Colorado blue. We’ll learn next week if it works.”