Obama Discussion on Race & Voting: No frank discussion, full of half-truths and partial lies

In his speech on race and voting, Obama included bogus numbers of total voting rights cases including military voting cases where DOJ failed to monitor the states, amicus briefs and even cases where DOJ was the defendant.  Politifact nails President Obama as telling “half-truths” which equates to a deceptive half lie and partial truths on most days.  Attorney General Holder says the American people are entitled to a frank and honest discussion on race.  Instead, it was full of half-truths and lies.

We sent a summary of DOJ’s explanation about the 102 cases to von Spakovsky.

“To say that it is a positive development when the department is a defendant in a lawsuit is silly – such an action is not being undertaken because the Department is being aggressive in launching lawsuits to protect voting rights. It is because a state or local jurisdiction has sued the Department claiming DOJ has done something wrong. Under that definition, if DOJ is sued 100 times because of its wrongdoing, this would be a positive development,” he told PolitiFact in an email. “This was deceptive claim by the president – to any layman, taking on cases means filing lawsuits to enforce the law on behalf of victims.” He also argued that it would be far-fetched to say that filing an amicus brief is “taking on a case.”