Oregon: Voter fraud, social security fraud, identify theft, the whole ball of wax

This guy had it all.   Checks, votes, different names. 

“Keaton first fell under suspicion of Oregon elections officials more than a year ago when it appeared he was voting under his own name and those of at least two other men, including a dead son, said Helen Cooper,  a special assistant U.S. attorney who handles Social Security cases.”

Oregon, you may recall, is one of the states to whom I sent a notice letter because they did not adequately purge the voter rolls of dead voters.  The notice letter sent to Secretary of State Kate Brown said:

The EAC Report details some problematic data for Oregon. Specifically it states that Oregon removed zero dead voters from the rolls from 2006 to 2008.


This failure to maintain the voter rolls creates a risk that the elections in November 2010, and beyond, may not be conducted with sufficient integrity.  Because steps to ensure that only eligible living voters are on the rolls in
Oregon do not involve significant effort or cost, hopefully a resolution to these problems will be in place by November 2, 2010.”

UPDATE: More shocking details on Voter Fraud Guru Lafayette Keaton here.   Turns out he is a well known con-artist.