“Two Peas in a Pod”

From Rush Limbaugh Show today:

RUSH: If I had to guess, this Regime is smart enough to know that they’re not gonna put these kinds of instructions where they can be found by people. In other words: Fast and Furious. I guarantee you there is not a paper trail between Obama and Eric Holder about that. They talked about it maybe somewhere, or they had a third party/a liaison do it. I asked J. Christian Adams, who used to be in the justice department.

I said, “Can you walk three me through it? Because obviously you’ve got like-minded people. You got Obama; he puts Holder in there. They have the same objective where the Department of Justice is concerned. How does Holder find out what Obama wants done?” Adams told me, “He doesn’t need to find out. He already knows. They’re two peas in a pod. That’s why Holder’s there. He doesn’t need marching orders.”