Washington Post In Deep Denial: VRAA is not a bipartisan bill

The Washington Post wants the Congress to act on a highly partisan bill that would dramatically impact all states on reporting requirements, intrude on state election processes and preclude voting laws that increase the integrity of the electoral process.  Most significantly, it would impact redistricting in the Congress.  It was written by civil rights interest groups that call Republicans racists every day.
All Congress has to do, in other words, is get its act together and fill the gap the court tore in the law. A bipartisan group of lawmakers has been trying. In the House, F. James Sensenbrenner Jr. (R-Wis.), who oversaw the 2006 reauthorization of the act, has led the effort, helping to draft a sensible compromise. 
The Washington Post is in denial.  The bill is not bipartisan, it was written to give liberal interest groups and the Department of Justice more authority to sue states than even existing voting rights law and unprecedented veto power over redistricting and voter integrity measures.